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我们介绍技术 (We Explain Technology)

How-To Geek is an online technology magazine and one of the top 500 websites in the US. Since it was created more than a decade ago, the site’s 10,000+ in-depth articles have been read over 1 billion times. More than 15 million people read our articles every month.

《 How-To Geek》是一本在线技术杂志,是美国500强网站之一。 自十多年前创建以来,该网站的10,000余篇深度文章已被阅读10亿多次。 每月有超过1500万人阅读我们的文章。

Our readers love How-To Geek because of its unique voice. We’re not a website for geeks—we are the geeks. We’re the people you turn to when your computer isn’t working right, you need to do something technical, or you want to understand the latest gadgets. We explain it all in simple, approachable terms. When providing instructions, we use a copious amount of screenshots that make technical processes easy to follow. How-To Geek is for everyone.

我们的读者喜欢How-To Geek,因为它的声音独特。 我们不是极客的网站,而是极客。 当您的计算机无法正常工作,需要做一些技术性的工作或希望了解最新的小工具时,我们将是您的助手。 我们以简单易懂的方式来解释这一切。 提供说明时,我们使用了大量的屏幕截图,这些截图使技术流程易于遵循。 How-To Geek适合所有人。

How-To Geek has been recommended as an expert resource by industry groups like and newspapers like . Organizations like and have directed their readers to us for our helpful tutorials. Technology news outlets like , , , , , and John Gruber’s have linked to stories we’ve broken. We’ve been cited as a source in books like by Douglas Rushkoff, a media theory professor at the City University of New York’s Queens College and CNN contributor. How-To Geek has been used as a resource for everything from to .

等行业组织和等报纸都 How-To Geek推荐为专家资源。 诸如和类组织已将其读者引向我们,以提供有用的教程。 诸如 , , , , 和John Gruber的类的技术新闻媒体都与我们已经打破的故事有关。 纽约市立大学皇后学院媒体理论教授,道格拉斯·鲁斯科夫(Douglas Rushkoff)等在《 ( 等书中被引用为我们的资料来源。 从到 How-To Geek已被用作各种资源。

Based in Virginia, How-To Geek is an independent company that remains wholly owned by its founders, Lowell Heddings and Erik Wang. Unlike many other websites, How-To Geek was built without any outside investment or corporate ownership. It remains an independent organization today.

How-To Geek总部位于弗吉尼亚州,是一家独立的公司,其创始人Lowell Heddings和Erik Wang仍然全资拥有。 与许多其他网站不同,How-To Geek的建立没有任何外部投资或公司所有权。 今天它仍然是一个独立的组织。

我们的编辑团队 (Our Editorial Team)

克里斯·霍夫曼 (Chris Hoffman )

Editor in Chief


Chris Hoffman

Chris Hoffman is Editor in Chief of How-To Geek. Since 2011, he’s written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than 500 million times—and that’s just here at How-To Geek.

克里斯·霍夫曼(Chris Hoffman)是《 How-To Geek》首席编辑。 自2011年以来,他撰写了2,000多篇文章,已被阅读超过5亿次-而这就是How-To Geek的内容。

With nearly a decade of writing experience in the field of technology, Chris was a columnist at PCWorld for several years, and his writing was on the cover of PCWorld’s print magazine. He once ran MakeUseOf’s email newsletter, which 400,000 subscribers received each day. His work has been mentioned on the BBC, Slate, The Verge, Ars Technica, Lifehacker, and even the front page of Reddit.

克里斯(Chris)在技术领域拥有近十年的写作经验,曾在PCWorld担任专栏作家多年,其著作被PCWorld的印刷杂志封面。 他曾经运行过MakeUseOf的电子邮件通讯,每天有40万订户收到。 他的工作曾在BBC,Slate,The Verge,Ars Technica,Lifehacker甚至Reddit的头版中被提及。

Chris has been interviewed as a technology expert on TV programs like WGN-TV’s Midday News in Chicago and radio shows like WJR-AM’s Guy Gordon Show in Detroit. He brings a lifetime of experience with technology to the role of Editor in Chief, overseeing all How-To Geek’s content to ensure it’s as accurate and in-depth as possible.

克里斯接受了电视节目的技术专家的采访,例如WGN-TV在芝加哥的Midday News和广播节目,例如WJR-AM在底特律的Guy Gordon Show 。 他将一生的技术经验带给总编辑一职,负责监督How-To Geek的所有内容,以确保其内容尽可能准确和深入。

沃尔特·格伦 (Walter Glenn )

Editorial Director


Walter Glenn

Walter Glenn is the Editorial Director for How-To Geek and its sister sites. He’s responsible for coordinating editors and editorial activities, hiring and managing freelance writers, setting editorial guidelines, scheduling publication, and generally making sure articles go out in good shape.

沃尔特·格伦(Walter Glenn)是《 How-To Geek》及其姊妹网站的编辑总监。 他负责协调编辑和编辑活动,雇用和管理自由作家,制定编辑指南,安排出版时间,并总体上确保文章质量良好。

He has more than 30 years of experience in the computer industry as a computer technician, network administrator, trainer, and freelance consultant. For the last 20 or so years, he’s also worked as a technical writer and editor.

作为计算机技术员,网络管理员,培训师和自由顾问,他在计算机行业拥有30多年的经验。 在过去的20年左右的时间里,他还担任过技术作家和编辑。

Before coming to How-To Geek, Walter worked as a writer and community editor at . Before that, he worked as a freelance writer and editor. As an expert on topics like Windows, Word, Outlook, Exchange Server, Windows Server, and general networking, he’s authored or co-authored in more than a dozen languages for publishers like Microsoft Press, O’Reilly, and Osborne/McGraw-Hill. He’s also written hundreds of white papers, articles, user manuals, and courseware over the years—mostly for Microsoft.

在加入How-To Geek之前,Walter在担任作家和社区编辑。 在此之前,他曾是自由作家和编辑。 由于在诸如Windows,Word中时,Outlook,Exchange服务器,Windows Server和一般网络主题方面的专家,他撰写或与他人合作撰写在十几语言像微软出版社,出版商O'Reilly的,和奥斯本/麦格劳-希尔。 多年来,他还写了数百篇白皮书,文章,用户手册和课件,其中大部分是针对Microsoft的。

Walter holds a Bachelor’s in English and Computer Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.


卡梅伦·萨默森(Cameron Summerson) (Cameron Summerson )

Editorial Advisor


Cameron Summerson

Cameron Summerson is an Editorial Advisor for How-To Geek and the Editor in Chief of Review Geek. He weighs in on topics big and small.

卡梅隆·萨默森(Cameron Summerson)是How-To Geek的编辑顾问,也是Review Geek的总编辑。 他专注于大小主题。

Cam’s career started nearly a decade ago as a news writer for Android Police, where he penned over 3,400 posts about Android and Chrome OS. He served as a Senior Editor on the Android Police team for three years before joining How-to Geek as the resident Android and Chrome expert. Cam’s work has also been published in several print editions of Consumers Digest magazine. He has written over 4,000 articles since 2011.

Cam的职业生涯始于近十年前,当时他是Android Police的新闻撰稿人,在那里他撰写了3,400多个有关Android和Chrome OS的帖子。 在加入How-to Geek担任Android和Chrome专家之前,他曾在Android Police团队担任过三年高级编辑。 Cam的作品还发表在《消费者摘要》(Consumers Digest)杂志的多个印刷版本中。 自2011年以来,他已撰写了4,000多篇文章。

You can think of Cam as the How-To Geek family’s hype man. If there’s some cool, new, and exciting tech, he’s going to find it and make sure you know all there is to know about it.

您可以将Cam视为How-To Geek家族的炒作。 如果有一些很棒的,新颖的和令人兴奋的技术,他将找到它,并确保您了解有关它的全部知识。

杰森·菲茨帕特里克(Jason Fitzpatrick) (Jason Fitzpatrick )



Jason Fitzpatrick

Jason Fitzpatrick is part of How-To Geek’s editorial board and has been with the company since 2010. He’s written thousands of articles on everything from the pressing—like how to stop Windows Explorer from crashing when you open your Downloads folder—to the less-pressing but radically more fun—like how to set up a Minecraft server to build with your friends.

杰森·菲茨帕特里克(Jason Fitzpatrick)是How-To Geek编辑委员会的成员,自2010年以来一直在公司工作。他撰写了成千上万篇文章,内容涉及从紧迫的一切,例如如何防止Windows资源管理器在您打开“下载”文件夹时崩溃,到少却非常有趣,例如如何设置Minecraft服务器以与您的朋友一起构建。

Before joining the How-To Geek family, Jason was the Weekend Editor at Lifehacker—where he started as their very first intern and worked his way up. In addition to writing and editing, Jason has previously worked as a professional photographer, graphic designer, and spent over a decade as a college instructor.

在加入How-To Geek家族之前,Jason是Lifehacker的周末编辑,他是他们的第一个实习生,后来逐渐成长。 除了撰写和编辑外,Jason之前还曾担任专业摄影师,平面设计师,并在大学任教超过十年。

Currently, Jason serves on the How-To Geek editorial board and as the Editor-in-Chief of LifeSavvy. If he’s not hard at work on the editorial board or steering the ship at LifeSavvy, you can find him working on his perpetual pet project, the trivia column at How-To Geek. It’s a labor of geeky love that ensures readers see an interesting trivia question 365 days a year.

目前,Jason担任How-To Geek编辑委员会委员,并担任LifeSavvy的总编辑。 如果他在编委会或LifeSavvy上工作不很辛苦,可以在他的永久宠物项目“ How-To Geek”中的琐事专栏上找到他的工作。 这是一项令人讨厌的工作,可确保读者一年365天都能看到一个有趣的琐事问题。

Jason holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s in English from Western Michigan University.


贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino) (Justin Duino)

Managing Editor


Justin Duino Headshot 300x300

Justin Duino is the Managing Editor for How-To Geek. He is responsible for assigning tasks to writers and making sure all guides and articles are accurate and as informative as possible.

贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)是《 How-To Geek》的执行编辑。 他负责将任务分配给作家,并确保所有指南和文章都是准确的并且尽可能提供更多信息。

His career started almost a decade ago when he purchased his first Android smartphone (Motorola Droid 2). After learning how to hack and install ROMs on the handset, Duino began writing tutorials on his publication called . This website eventually became a traditional Android blog where Duino and several others wrote technology news and reviews.

他的职业生涯始于大约十年前,当时他购买了他的第一个Android智能手机(Motorola Droid 2)。 在学习了如何在手机上破解并安装ROM之后,Duino开始在他的出版物上编写教程。 该网站最终成为传统的Android博客,Duino和其他一些人在该博客上撰写技术新闻和评论。

After several years, Duino began to work as a freelance writer for other publications. Over the years, he wrote thousands of articles and tutorials on sites such as , , , , , and . Lastly, before coming to How-To Geek, Duino spent the year as a Staff Editor for . 

几年后,Duino开始担任其他出版物的自由作家。 多年来,他在 , , , , 和等网站上撰写了数千篇文章和教程。 最后,在进入How-To Geek之前,Duino曾在任职一年的编辑。

阿曼达·甘比尔 (Amanda Gambill)

Staff Copy Editor


Amanda is the Staff Copy Editor and a contributing writer for How-To Geek and its sister sites, Review Geek, and LifeSavvy. She un-splits our infinitives and lets us know when our participles are dangling. She has a bachelor’s in journalism from Indiana University.

阿曼达(Amanda)是工作人员文案编辑,也是How-To Geek及其姊妹网站Review Geek和LifeSavvy的特约作者。 她不拆分我们的不定式,并让我们知道分词何时晃来晃去。 她拥有印第安那大学的新闻学学士学位。

Amanda began her career in publishing as a marketing copy editor and copywriter at NAPA in 2004. She also wrote freelance features and editorials for several Indianapolis newspapers and weeklies.


At Wiley Publishing (home of the iconic brand), Amanda was a Development Editor and Project Lead on dozens of educational and How-to books. She predominantly worked on the Portable Genius and Digital Field Guide series, which thoroughly dissected every Apple product that starts with “i,” as well as photography techniques, cameras, and Microsoft and Apple software. 

在Wiley Publishing(标志性的品牌的所在地),Amanda是数十种教育和操作方法书籍的开发编辑和项目负责人。 她主要从事“ 便携式天才数字领域指南”系列的研究,该系列彻底剖析了所有以“ i”开头的苹果产品以及摄影技术,照相机以及Microsoft和Apple软件。

编辑指南和伦理 (Editorial Guidelines and Ethics)

We strive to write the most accurate, useful articles we can. Our team of experts brings in-depth research, hands-on experience, and decades of knowledge to everything we write. We test every piece of software we recommend and fact-check everything before it’s published. If an article has become outdated or has another issue, please contact us at contact@howtogeek.com, and we will fix it.

我们力求写出最准确,最有用的文章。 我们的专家团队将深入的研究,动手经验以及数十年的知识带入我们编写的所有内容。 我们会测试我们建议的每一款软件,并在发布之前对所有内容进行事实检查。 如果文章已过时或有其他问题,请通过contact@howtogeek.com与我们联系,我们将对其进行修复。

At How-To Geek, we adhere to strict standards of journalistic ethics. We never accept money as an incentive to write an article, never recommend products because we have an affiliate deal, and never accept guest posts from people trying to get links on our site. We sometimes receive review units from companies, but we never accept anything as a form of payment for a review. Any advertisements on our website are clearly marked with the word “Advertisement,” and any sponsored articles are clearly marked with the word “Sponsored.” Sponsored articles are not written by the editorial staff. Our editorial team is separate from the business arm of the company and maintains editorial independence.

在How-To Geek,我们遵守严格的新闻道德标准。 我们绝不接受金钱作为写文章的诱因,也绝不推荐产品,因为我们有会员协议,并且绝不接受试图在我们网站上获得链接的人的来宾帖子。 我们有时会收到公司的评论单位,但我们从不接受任何形式的评论付款。 我们网站上的任何广告均标有“广告”字样,任何赞助的文章均标有“赞助”字样。 赞助文章不是由编辑人员撰写的。 我们的编辑团队与公司业务部门分开,并保持编辑独立性。

我们的专家作家 (Our Expert Writers)

We’ve got a great team of writers with an immense amount of experience in the technology industry. Here are just a few of them:

我们拥有一支伟大的作家团队,他们在技术行业拥有丰富的经验。 这里只是其中一些:

Ian Paul is a freelance writer with over a decade of experiencing writing about tech. In addition to writing for How-To Geek, he regularly contributes to  as a critic, feature writer, reporter, deal hunter, and columnist. His work has also appeared online at The Washington Post, ABC News, MSNBC, Reuters, , Yahoo Tech, , , , and Lifewire. His articles are regularly syndicated across numerous IDG sites. 

伊恩·保罗 ( Ian Paul)是一位自由作家,在有关技术的写作方面已有十多年的经验。 除了为《 How-To Geek》撰写外,他还经常以评论家,专题作家,记者,交易猎手和专栏作家的身份为做出贡献。 他的作品还在线出现在《华盛顿邮报》,ABC新闻,MSNBC,路透社, ,雅虎科技, , , 》和Lifewire上。 他的文章定期在许多IDG网站上联合发布。

Dave Johnson has worked as a tech journalist since the days of the Palm Pilot and Windows 95. He’s the author of almost three dozen books about tech, digital photography, small business, and robots, and he authored a children’s book that was later adapted into an interactive storybook. These days, in addition to How-To Geek, you can find him around the web on sites like  and . 

戴夫·约翰逊(Dave Johnson)从Palm Pilot和Windows 95时代起就一直担任技术记者。他是关于技术,数码摄影,小型企业和机器人的近三本书的作者,并且他写了一部儿童读物,后来被改编为交互式故事书。 这些天,除了How-To Geek之外,您还可以在和等网站上找到他。

Dave McKay first used computers in the industry when punched paper tape was in vogue, and he has been programming ever since. His use of computers pre-dates the birth of the PC and the public release of Unix. He has programmed in everything from 6502 assembly to Lisp, and from Forth to C#. He is currently a Data Protection Officer and has worked as a freelance programmer, the manager of an international software development team, and an IT services project manager. 

戴夫·麦凯(Dave McKay)在打Kong纸胶带风行一时时便在该行业中首次使用计算机,此后一直从事编程工作。 他使用计算机早于PC的诞生和Unix的公开发布。 他编写了从6502汇编到Lisp,从Forth到C#的所有程序。 他目前是一名数据保护官,曾担任自由程序员,国际软件开发团队的经理和IT服务项目经理。

Michael Crider is a veteran technology journalist with a decade of experience. He spent five years writing for Android Police before working for How-To Geek. His work has appeared on websites like Digital Trends and Lifehacker, and he’s covered industry events like the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and Mobile World Congress in person. He’s also Reviews Editor over at Review Geek. 

迈克尔·克里德 ( Michael Crider)是一位资深的技术记者,拥有十年的经验。 在为How-To Geek工作之前,他为Android Police写作了五年。 他的作品出现在Digital Trends和Lifehacker等网站上,他亲自采访了诸如消费电子展(CES)和世界移动大会等行业活动。 他还是Review Geek的评论编辑。

Josh Hendrickson has worked in IT for nearly a decade. Roughly half that time was spent doing quality assurance, project management, and system administration for IDM Computer Solutions, which develops the popular UltraEdit text editor. Josh spent four years at Microsoft servicing and repairing computers, and he now writes much of How-To Geek’s Windows content. He’s also a smarthome enthusiast who built his own smart mirror with just a frame, some electronics, a Raspberry Pi, and open-source code.

Josh Hendrickson在IT领域工作了近十年。 大约一半的时间用于IDM计算机解决方案的质量保证,项目管理和系统管理,后者开发了流行的UltraEdit文本编辑器。 乔什(Josh)在Microsoft维修和修理计算机上花费了四年,现在他写了How-To Geek的Windows内容。 他还是一个智能家居爱好者,他只用一个框架,一些电子设备,一个Raspberry Pi和开源代码就构建了自己的智能镜。

Harry Guinness is a photography expert, traveler, and writer who’s been published in the New York Times and other newspapers. He’s been writing for a decade. Beyond How-To Geek, you’ll find him sharing tips from his life experience over at , How-to Geek’s sister site.

哈里·吉尼斯 ( Harry Guinness)是摄影专家,旅行者和作家,并已在《纽约时报》和其他报纸上发表。 他已经写作十年了。 除了How-To Geek之外,您在How-to Geek的姊妹网站发现他分享自己的生活经验。

Alan Murray has worked as an Excel trainer and consultant for twenty years. On most days, he can be found teaching about Excel in a classroom or seminar. He writes detailed Microsoft Excel tutorials here at How-To Geek.

艾伦·默里(Alan Murray )担任Excel培训师和顾问已有20年了。 在大多数日子里,可以在教室或研讨会上找到关于Excel的教学。 他在How-To Geek上撰写了详细的Microsoft Excel教程。

How-To Geek alumni have gone on to write for publications like The New York Times, Popular Science, The Daily Beast, and iFixit.

How-To Geek校友继续为《纽约时报》,《大众科学》,《每日野兽》和《 iFixit》等出版物撰稿。

来自读者的粉丝邮件 (Fan Mail From Our Readers)

Here’s some of the feedback we’ve received from our readers:


“Love your work. I read tech documents a lot, and it’s your style that sets you apart. It can be read by anyone. Thanks again.” -Andrew, July 2016

“热爱您的工作。 我经常阅读技术文档,正是您的风格与众不同。 任何人都可以阅读。 再次感谢。” -安德鲁(Andrew),2016年7月

“What an excellent and well thought out article. The type of misinformation this addresses is an enormous pet peeve of mine.” -John, February 2019

“这是一篇很棒的,经过深思熟虑的文章。 这种错误信息的类型是我的极大的烦恼。” -约翰,2019年2月

“I just read your posting “.” Your post was the only mention I found referencing the global privacy setting for the Windows 10 microphone. It solved my problem where the microphone was auto-muting in Google Hangout meetings. I searched for more than an hour, checked all configuration, and updated drivers. Then I found your post.” -Jason, February 2019

“我刚刚阅读了您的帖子“ 。” 您的帖子是我发现提及Windows 10麦克风的全局隐私设置的唯一提及。 它解决了我在Google Hangouts会议中麦克风自动静音的问题。 我搜索了一个多小时,检查了所有配置,并更新了驱动程序。 然后我找到了你的帖子。” -杰森,2019年2月

“I just wanted to tell you how helpful I found your article “.” I got a new computer running Windows 10 last week after using Windows 7 since 2011. Of all the pages I’ve found and articles I’ve read, yours is the most helpful. It has saved me hours of exploring and experimenting with the programs list and start menu. Thank you.” -Jon, April 2019

“我只是想告诉您,我发现您的文章“ ”有多大帮助。 自2011年以来使用Windows 7之后,上周我有一台运行Windows 10的新计算机。在我发现的所有页面和已阅读的文章中,您的最有用。 它为我节省了探索和试验程序列表和开始菜单的时间。 谢谢。” -2019年4月

管理团队 (Management Team)

How-To Geek is still wholly owned and run by its founders, Lowell Heddings and Erik Wang.

How-To Geek仍由其创始人Lowell Heddings和Erik Wang全资拥有和运营。

洛厄尔·海丁斯 (Lowell Heddings )

Founder and CEO


Lowell Heddings is the founder and CEO of How-To Geek. He’s been running the show since creating the site back in 2006. Over the last decade, Lowell has personally written more than 1000 articles, which have been viewed by over 250 million people.

Lowell Heddings是How-To Geek的创始人兼首席执行官。 自2006年创建网站以来,他一直在主持展览。在过去的十年中,Lowell亲自撰写了1000多篇文章,已有超过2.5亿人浏览过。

These days, he is focused on his role running the business side of the house and building the Moka publishing platform that powers the HTG family of sites, including Review Geek.

如今,他专注于管理公司业务并建立Moka发布平台,该平台为HTG系列网站(包括Review Geek)提供动力。

Before starting How-To Geek, Lowell spent 15 years working in the IT field doing consulting, cybersecurity, database management, and programming. The last decade of his previous career, however, was spent mainly doing business automation for large corporations. The e-commerce integrations he created are still being used to automate billions of dollars worth of transactions today.

在开始How-To Geek之前,Lowell在IT领域工作了15年,从事咨询,网络安全,数据库管理和编程的工作。 但是,他前职业的最后十年主要用于大型公司的业务自动化。 他创建的电子商务集成如今仍被用于自动化价值数十亿美元的交易。

埃里克·王 (Erik Wang )

Managing Partner and CFO


Erik Wang is a veteran in the online publishing space. He has over 15 years of experience with a strong focus in the areas of advertising, affiliate marketing, and SEO. He is instrumental in the monetization of the How-To Geek and establishing strategic partnerships to further the company’s growth.

Erik Wang是在线出版领域的资深人士。 他在广告,会员营销和SEO领域拥有超过15年的丰富经验。 他在How-To Geek的货币化和建立战略合作伙伴关系以促进公司发展方面发挥了重要作用。

In a previous life, Erik came from the enterprise application software field, where he spent over a decade in consulting and implementation of electronic procurement and asset management solutions for ePlus Technology. Some of the company’s notable clients include Georgia Pacific, Aaron’s, and Kaplan University.

在他的前世中,Erik来自企业应用程序软件领域,在该领域他花了十多年的时间为ePlus Technology咨询和实施电子采购和资产管理解决方案。 该公司的一些著名客户包括佐治亚太平洋,亚伦和卡普兰大学。

Erik holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from Virginia Tech and is also fluent in Mandarin Chinese.


凯瑟琳·张 (Catherine Chang)

Director of Contracts


Catherine Chang is a licensed attorney in the state of Maryland. She’s responsible for all things contract-related at How-To Geek and serves an integral role in developing and finalizing the company’s business deals.

Catherine Chang是马里兰州的持牌律师。 她负责How-To Geek合同相关的所有事务,并在开发和完成公司的业务交易中扮演不可或缺的角色。

Her wealth in knowledge in contract law and experience in supply chain management was developed through her work in a variety of industries. She’s worked for a boutique law firm in Washington, D.C., multiple companies in the telecom industry, and several defense contractors in the Northern Virginia area.

她在合同法方面的知识和在供应链管理方面的丰富经验是通过她在多个行业中的工作积累的。 她曾在华盛顿特区的一家精品律师事务所,电信行业的多家公司以及北弗吉尼亚地区的多家国防承包商工作。

Catherine has a J.D. from American University, Washington College of Law and a B.A. from the University of Maryland, College Park.


关于网络 (About the Network)

How-To Geek has been helping hundreds of millions of readers understand technology for more than a decade. We now have a network of websites focusing on everything from product recommendations to life skills.

十多年来,How-To Geek已帮助成千上万的读者了解技术。 现在,我们拥有一个网站网络,重点关注从产品推荐到生活技能的所有内容。

was founded by the How-To Geek team in 2017 with a mission of helping our readers save time and money. Review Geek’s writers spend hours researching, testing, breaking, fixing, and re-testing a mountain of products so that our millions of readers don’t have to. Whether you’re standing in the store debating between products on the shelf or shopping from bed on your tablet, Review Geek offers the best recommendations, reviews, and tips.

由How-To Geek团队于2017年成立,其使命是帮助我们的读者节省时间和金钱。 评论Geek的作者花费大量时间研究,测试,破坏,修复和重新测试大量产品,从而使我们数百万的读者不必这么做。 无论您是站在商店中讨论货架上的产品还是在平板电脑上的床上购物,Review Geek都能提供最佳建议,评论和提示。

teaches skills for a better life. Our team of expert writers has real-world experience in everything from fashion and baby products to travel, fitness, and relationships. LifeSavvy brings the reader-first, approachable style How-To Geek has always been known for to an audience outside the world of technology. We founded the site in 2019.

教授技巧,让生活更美好。 我们的专家作家团队在从时尚和婴儿用品到旅行,健身和人际关系的各个方面都具有现实世界的经验。 LifeSavvy带来读者至上,平易近人的风格How-To Geek一直以技术领域以外的读者而闻名。 我们于2019年创建了该网站。

联系我们 (Contact Us)

Want to get in touch? We look forward to hearing from you.

想要取得联系? 我们期待您的回音。

Computer Help


For computer help, we recommend posting in our . You’ll get a much quicker response from our wider community, and some of them have likely experienced the same problem in the past.

如需计算机帮助,建议您在我们的发布。 您会从我们更广泛的社区中得到更快的响应,其中一些过去可能会遇到相同的问题。



We always enjoy reading feedback about our website, whether you have an idea for an article or a suggestion for something we should do differently. Please direct any feedback to .

无论您是对文章有想法还是对我们应该做不同的事情的建议,我们总是喜欢阅读有关我们网站的反馈。 请将任何反馈意见发送至 。

Press Inquiries


For press inquiries, contact . Our team of technology experts would be happy to provide a quote for an article you’re working on.

有关新闻查询,请联系 。 我们的技术专家团队很乐意为您正在撰写的文章提供报价。

Join Our Team


We’re always looking for experienced freelance writers who are passionate and knowledgeable about technology. Here’s .

我们一直在寻找对技术充满热情和知识的经验丰富的自由作家。 。



Get your products and services in front of our millions of readers. We offer a range of options, including display ads, newsletter promotions, and sponsored articles. Please contact us at for more information on custom advertising campaigns.

在我们数百万的读者面前获得您的产品和服务。 我们提供多种选择,包括展示广告,时事通讯促销和赞助文章。 请联系我们有关自定义广告活动的更多信息。

For IAB display ads, video ads, and programmatic, we are represented by .


We strive to use only the highest-quality ads. If a poor-quality advertisement has slipped through the cracks, please let us know at .

我们努力只使用最优质的广告。 如果劣质广告从裂缝中溜走,请通过与我们联系。

Mailing Address


We recommend contacting us via email. However, you can mail a letter to us at the following address:

我们建议通过电子邮件与我们联系。 但是,您可以通过以下地址给我们寄信:

How-To Geek LLC 21010 Southbank St., #4015 Potomac Falls, VA 20165

How-To Geek LLC 21010 Southbank St.,#4015 Potomac Falls,VA 20165



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